Education and Training in Dubai

متخصص لغة عربية في أسهل وأسرع طريقة في تعليم مهارات القراءة والكتابة ومعالجة بعض صعوبات التعلم 1- تعليم الحروف قراءة وكتابة 2- تعليم الحروف أول ووسط وآخر الكلمة 3- درس الفتحة 4- درس الكسرة 5- درس الضمة 5- درس المقطع السا (...)

رؤية 2030 لتطوير القيادات إلى كل من يطمح بتعلم القيادة إلى كل من يريد أن يترقى فى وظيفته إلى كل من ينمى من ذاته إليك البرنامج التدريبي الأمثل والأقوى فى الوطن العربي للتسجيل المباشر :- للتسجيل والإ (...)

Discover the ultimate early childhood development experience with Brainnovation in Dubai. Our tailored programs are designed to enhance your childs cognitive, social, and emotional skills, fostering a love for learning f (...)

At Brainnovation, we provide transformative treatment for dyslexia in Dubai, focusing on individualized approaches to help each client succeed. With Brainnovation, you can expect a nurturing environment that supports you (...)

In order to improve how the brain learns and thinks, CognoSkillz offers BrainRx brain training programmes that concentrate on a set of objectives utilizing specialized brain games and mental exercises. The training addre (...)
To Earn CISA Certification online course in UAE, will give you the skillsets to govern and control enterprise IT and perform an effective security audit on any organization. This course is meticulously designed for profe (...)
Vinsys IT Services can help you achieve excellence in quality. Our training for professional certification guarantees a quick drive to success. Join us for ITIL Certification Training in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, UAE (Informa (...)
Vinsys can help you achieve excellence in quality. Our training for professional certification courses guarantees a quick drive to success. Join us for a transformative learning experience with an expert trainer speciall (...)
إداريات مقالات ابحاث دراسات حقائب تدريبية 201552141431+
Looking to meet the ICF-ACC certification requirements? Coach Transformation Academy (CTA) is your go-to partner for high-quality coach training. Their programs empower aspiring coaches to excel globally and make a meani (...)
Global Research Conference on Nutritional Science and Food Technology (GRCNSFT2024) which is going to be held on November 18-20, 2024 at Dubai, UAE invites all the Food and Nutrition professionals, Dieticians, Food Chemi (...)
A Certified Professional Life Coach helps you realise your self-potential, self-worth, and self-belief. Coach Transformation Academy offers life coach certification with ICF accreditation. Learn more at (...)
The Coach Transformation Academy offers an ICF-Certified Leadership Development Coaching Program. Its becoming one of the most recognised methods of developing top leaders as a coach to lead their teams. Learn more at ht (...)
مدرس محاسبه فى دبى الشارقة 0557782107 مدرس محاسبه ابوظبى- تدريس كل مواد المحاسبة للجامعة بكالوريوس وماجستير - Accounting Teacher Dubai Sharjah Bachelor and MBA محاسبة مالية -محاسبة تكاليف -محاسبة متوسطة -محاسبة ادارية -م (...)
مدرس فايننس فى دبى الشارقة مدرس فايننس دبى الشارقة - تدريس كل مواد الفايننس للجامعة بكالوريوس وماجستير - Finance Teacher Abu Dhabi Bachelor and MBA مبادى التمويل- تمويل ادارى - تمويل شركات - تمويل دولى - تمويل اسلامى مؤس (...)
The NLP Practitioner Certification Course is perfect for those professionals who want to advance their coaching and communication skills and are looking to use NLP skills and techniques in their own lives or to help othe (...)
مدرس خبره اكثر من 20 سنة للتدريس لطلاب جامعات ( دبى - الجامعة الأمريكية AUE - الجامعة البريطانية ميدلسكس ولونغونغ الغرير) وكليات التقنية مدرس خصوصى لغات برمجه (java java script C++ - C# php python html data structu (...)
Our online mock test is accessible and user-friendly, allowing you to use it from the convenience of your own residence or from any place with internet availability. The simple layout makes access simple and allows for a (...)
Do you want to be a life coach? Get certified by The Coach Transformation Academys online coach certification program and gain self-awareness of your unique potential to live the life you envisioned. Learn more at https: (...)
Coach Transformation Academy (CTA) offers the Master Certified Coach (MCC) training program as an accredited coaching program to become an ICF master coach. Learn more at
Coach Transformation Academy (CTA) offers the Master Certified Coach (MCC) training program as an accredited coaching program to become an ICF master coach. Learn more at
The Associate Certified Coach (ACC) is the first level towards becoming a professionally-credentialed ICF Coach. Coach Transformation Academy (CTA) provides classroom and online coach training aligned with the ACC creden (...)
مدرس فيزياء خصوصي لطلاب المرحلة الجامعية والكليات، من خلال الشرح المبسط وحل أسئلة اثرائية ونماذج سابقة، وكذلك تلخيص محتوى المادة بالعلم نبني بيوتا لا عماد لها وبالجهل نهدم بيوت العز والكرم وعلى قدر أهل العزم تأتي العزائم (...)