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- خريج ماستر ادارة اعمال تخصص مستشفيات ومراكز صحية يبحث عن عمل في مستفيات الدولة ...
خريج ماستر ادارة اعمال تخصص مستشفيات ومراكز صحية يبحث عن عمل في مستفيات الدولة ...
Published at 2017-02-25 5:19 PM
Recent graduate with Master’s Degree in Business Administration major in Hospital & Healthcare Management (HHM) seeking a position in a healthcare organization where I can strive for excellence and use my developed abilities in healthcare management to serve the organization in the best possible way with sheer determination and commitment. I am a very hard working individual and have the determination to get the job done well.