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- High Quality CAS 51-05-8 Hydrochloride HCl Diphenhydramine Procaine
High Quality CAS 51-05-8 Hydrochloride HCl Diphenhydramine Procaine
نشر بتاريخ 2024-05-21 7:52 AM

تواصل مع المعلن لمعرفة السعر
Description Procaine HCl (procaine hydrochloride) is the active ingredient in Gerovital H3 (GH3) and in the Vitacels 3 through 8. Procaine HCl is broken down rapidly by enzymes in the blood stream into PABA and DEAE. The PABA and DEAE are rapidly conjugated and removed from the blood and excreted from the body. Because of this procaine HCl and its breakdown products (metabolites) are unable to get into the cells in any great quantity to produce benefits. Procaine HCl will produce some benefits by itself, but they are very limited. However when procaine HCl is complexed properly (Koch process)(1) the procaine HCl is protected from the action of the enzymes in the blood and tissues this protection gives the procaine enough time to be transfered into the cells of the body where it helps the cells rebuild, repair, and detoxify. This action of the procaine HCl complex is responsible for the remarkable improvements in health that result from the use of GH3 and the Vitacel 3 - 8. Application Procaine HCl is a local anesthetic drug of the amino ester group. It is used primarily to reduce the pain of intramuscular injection of penicillin, and it is also used in dentistry. Owing to the ubiquity of the trade name Novocain, in some regions procaine is referred to generically as novocaine. It acts mainly by being a sodium channel blocker.Today it is used therapeutically in some countries due to its sympatholytic, anti-inflammatory, perfusion enhancing, and mood enhancing effects. Procaine HCl is indicated for the production of local or regional analgesia and anesthesia by local infiltration and peripheral nerve block techniques