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- Crema Marfil Beige CreamSpanish Marble - ECBH Natural Stones
Crema Marfil Beige CreamSpanish Marble - ECBH Natural Stones
نشر بتاريخ 2023-10-26 1:05 PM

تواصل مع المعلن لمعرفة السعر
Crema Marfil Cream marble tile is ideal for the installation of both indoor and outdoor floor and wall tiles. Sizes & Surfaces - Tiles: 30x30x2, 40x30x2, 40x40x2, 60x30x2, 60x40x2, 60x60x2, 90x90x2. Sizes & Surfaces - Baseboards: 30x7x2, 40x10x2, 40x15x2, 40x7x2, 60x10x7, 60x15x2, 60x18x2, 60x7x2. (We have more sizes available under request) Crema Marfil Cream marble is one of the most internationally recognized materials. From the province of Alicante, this marble is characterized by having a light beige background, with a greater proportion of veining. Within the type of marble, cream marble is the one with the large unique colours. They are sensual in character and guarantee good taste in refined, versatile environments, with a guarantee of success. The cream tonality combines perfectly with the wide range of existing natural colours, such as ivory and beige, providing a peaceful atmosphere to any room in the house. That is why cream marble is one of the construction materials most used by architects and decorators. Much sought after for its enormous decorative features. The perfect material to cover interiors with an indisputable touch of glam or at the height of those who love the added value of unique things. Polished: It is the finish par excellence, which achieves a completely smooth surface of Natural Stone and an inimitable mirror effect that reflects light, enhancing the beauty of the material. https://www.ecbhnaturalstones.com/listing/crema-marfil/