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- Hematology Analyzer Sysmex XP300
Hematology Analyzer Sysmex XP300
نشر بتاريخ 2023-09-04 10:54 AM
With its simplified operation, the XP-300 is an ideal hematology analyzer for a clinic satellite laboratory. It provides a CBC with 8 reportable parameters and 3-part WBC Differential, which includes an Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC). The results include histograms for WBC, RBC and PLT. The system provides a high level of accuracy through the use of automatic floating discriminators. Built on reliable Sysmex technology, it features a simple start-up menu and single button selection for sampling and daily maintenance with a compact, space-saving design. New Medical Electronic and ophthalmic device for hospital WWW.LATIEF-ALHAKIM.COM, We specialize in exporting brand New Medical Electronic, Dental Equipment, Ultrasound Machine and Ophthalmic Device to any country of the world. We supply best of quality Medical Electronic, Dental Equipment, Ultrasound Machine and Ophthalmic Device including major models from best brand makers.Currently we offer products from: Aescalup Meditec, Argus optic, good, BKG, Canon, Clement clarke, Coherent, Ellex, Haag dispute, Heine, Humphrey, Hoya, Huvitz, iCare, Kowa, Magnon, Medmont, Melag, Mller-Wedel, Neitz, Nidek, Nikon, Oculus, Reichert, Shin Nippon, Takagi, Tomey, Topcon, Zeiss. Please visit our site or contact us to check our product availability. Worldwide Shipping Service Available! For more information regarding the product, you can visit our official website. Store Website: https://www.latief-alhakim.com Whatsapp : +62858 3043 8966 INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/latiefalhakim E-mail : sales@latief-alhakim.com