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- Rent Lozoya Round Wooden Dining Table for rental in Dubai.
Rent Lozoya Round Wooden Dining Table for rental in Dubai.
نشر بتاريخ 2023-02-05 6:05 AM

تواصل مع المعلن لمعرفة السعر
هذا الإعلان منتهي الصلاحية شاهد إعلانات مماثلة
خدمة التوصيل
Rent Lozoya Round Wooden Dining Table for rental in Dubai call us at: 0588300207 If you want to hold a party in a rustic and modern atmosphere at the same time, call us at: 0588300207 because we rent round wooden chairs and tables that are made of high-quality wood and are foldable and provide all the practical and aesthetic needs of the guests, and they accommodate from 8 to 10 people, Its color is also beautiful. The table and its chairs are for rent in Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Abu Dhabi, all Emirates.