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- IELTS training course
IELTS training course
نشر بتاريخ 2022-07-19 1:51 PM
One of the advantages of our IELTS course is that you get training and testing in one place and get support in the latest exercises that qualify for the exam The trainers are accredited by the British Council and IDP Authorized test providers There are two types of training 1- In-person training at the institutes headquarters for a month, 3 times a week, at a cost of only 800 dirhams 2- Remote training for a month, 3 times a week, at a cost of only 600 dirhams There is a feature that is unique to Al Manhal Institute, which are: In the case of booking our test, you will get 20 hours of training as a free gift through the official website of IELTS, including the latest exercises that qualify for the test Test inside the institute Test dates Saturday of every week Classes are morning and evening periods