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- Microsoft Dynamics 365 Solution for Construction Industry in Dubai
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Solution for Construction Industry in Dubai
نشر بتاريخ 2022-06-24 7:20 AM
Dynamics 365 integrate all of your construction specific capabilities including critical project accounting, job quoting, project management, labor and equipment resource management, subcontract management, job material planning, and customer relationships all in one database so users can easily handle their business roles and responsibilities. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for construction enables real estate & construction companies to gain competitive advantage through advance technology. D365 Project Management in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, UAE. With a range of enterprise software products that addresses a long list of construction business pains and opportunities. all you need to do is just request a call back from us. +971 0589800163 info@sqitconsulting.com https://sqitconsulting.com/contact-us/