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- Avantgarde Duo horn speakers
Avantgarde Duo horn speakers
نشر بتاريخ 2019-04-04 11:06 AM
Type: Three-way full frequency loudspeaker with horn-loaded tweeter and midrange. Self-powered dynamic driver bass. Frequency Response Horn section 170 Hz to 20 kHz Pro 225 subwoofer 22 to 200 Hz Power Handling:150 watts Sensitivity: >103dB/W/m Nominal Impedance: 8 Ohm Recommended Power: >5 Watts Power handling: 50W. Subwoofer amplifier power: 250W. Overall Dimensions: 28 x 26.8 x 61 (WxDxH in inches) Finishes: Horns: Red, Blue, Silver, Black Pearlescent White (all metallic lacquers); other options available at additional cost. Subwoofer: Nextel Black