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- تصميم مواقع و تطبيقات
- Website design and development in the Emirates
Website design and development in the Emirates
نشر بتاريخ 2016-10-20 7:19 AM

1 درهم
Innovation Gateway for Technology Solutions website: www.igtsuae.com 1. The programming language used is: PHP Word press. 2. Website language: Arabic and English 3. Website hosting 4. The website works on all types of screens with varying resolutions, such as personal computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. 5. Controlling news and articles, publishing them, modifying them, or deleting them, with the ability to book appointments and services 6. Control the appearance of pages, the way they are displayed, fonts, and colors 7. An infinite number of sections, classifications, and news 8. Linking the site to social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) 9. Photo gallery and video gallery to add photos and videos 10. A gallery of visuals linked to the YouTube account 11. High-tech slide show to display images, products, and offers in an attractive, aesthetic way. Dynamic Slideshow. 12. Free technical support for a full year