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- تكنولوجيا المعلومات
- بكالريوس حاسب آلي خبرة بدولة الامارات 5 سنوات ليسن أمارتي 0507741049 ...
بكالريوس حاسب آلي خبرة بدولة الامارات 5 سنوات ليسن أمارتي 0507741049 ...
نشر بتاريخ 2016-10-08 10:13 PM
Profession: computer Teacher Ibn khaldoon TRAINING Centre of Ajman and it is still 2008 you work I worked in the company of I think computer trade and marketing Ajman 2009 Presentation skills, Self Motivated, Ability to work under Pressure, Creative, communication skills, Problem solving, time management and team work . I am working Island Eagle Elec.& Sanitary Cont Company of Sharjah.2010 I worked in the private Aqsa school in Ajman 2011 I worked at the Al Kamal Private School Sharjah Education Zone in 2012 I worked in the Alshola Private School in Sharjah in 2013